Getting Started:

Getting started with Driving

    Getting started in driving can be a very overwhelming process! There are many facets from harness type, to fit, to training hardware and techniques all the way to which carriage to start with and how to strengthen your animal once you are in a cart driving. Trust us we know! There are not many professionals in Utah available to help train you or train your animal. Many of the available trainers are Farming Team Drivers and work mostly with the Draft size animals for farming. There is nothing wrong with that of course, many of us started there, but CDE is very different from farm work and requires additional training and abilities.

    There are many ways to train horses to drive and there isn't much to say which way is 'correct'. That being said, our founders have spent a LONG time online researching, reaching out online and asking questions (and getting chastised while at it), trying new things themselves and learning. They've listed out the materials and videos that helped them learn so you don't have to do the hours of sifting information.

    This list is updated often and if you have something that just made things click or training easier, please email us a link so we can add it for the group! We love new information! Also, please reach out on our Facebook page and ask questions or post your success. We are a community to help both you and your animal!

Become a member:

Join the American Driving Society today and receive all of their benefits! 

Here is the Membership form (60$ per year membership)

Join the Carriage Association of America today and get proficiency certified:

Here is the Membership form  

You Tube Video Links and descriptions:

You Tube Video Links and descriptions:

Facebook Posts or Video links:

Facebook Posts or Video links:

Social Media Accounts you can follow:

Social Media Accounts you can follow:

Blog Post or books to start:

Blog Post or books to start:

Excited to see what driving is like?
View our upcoming Events:


Common questions

Here are some of the most common questions that we get.
What events does the horse driving club organize? The SVDC organizes a variety of events including competitions, clinics, and social gatherings.
How can I join the horse driving club? To join the horse driving club, you can fill out the membership form on our website or contact our club secretary for more information. We suggest becoming a member or the American Driving Association as well as a SVDC member too!
Are non-members allowed to participate in the club's events? Yes and No. Anyone is welcome to come watch, audit the clinics or ask questions. However we cant allow you to bring an equine to practices until you are a member for safety and insurance purposes. Please contact us today to join so we can drive together!
Can I bring my own horse to the club's events? Once you are a member absolutely you can! Please ensure that your horse is well-trained in ground manners and you have reviewed and signed the safety document sent by our secretary before coming to practices.
How often are new photos and news updates added to the website? New photos and news updates are added to the website regularly. We strive to keep our members and visitors informed about the latest happenings in the club.